Upcoming events in the Houston area

Free online workshop hosted by Sugar Creek Baptist Church. 6-8:30 p.m. Topics: Mindset for job search, accomplishment resumé; and virtual and in-person interviewing. Registration: sugarcreek.net/event/job-search/. Information: [email protected] or call 281-242-2858, ext. 1083.
Work Teams — A Weekly Accountability Group:
Job search event hosted by JS101. 2-4 p.m. Registration: JS101.org/workshops.
How to Hit the Ground Running in the Current Job Search Market:
Hosted by JS101. 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Registration: JS101.org/workshops.
IREM (Institute of Real Estate Management):
Awards luncheon. 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Maggiano’s, 2019 Post Oak Blvd. Cost: $50-$55. Information: 713-783-9225. Online: www.iremhouston.org.
Lamar Consolidated ISD Update:
Hosted by the Fort Bend Chamber of Commerce’s Education Division. 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., 445 Commerce Green Blvd., Sugar Land. Information: www.FortBendChamber.com or contact Rebekah Beltran at 281-566-2158 or [email protected].
Are You a Fit, Resume Creation 101:
Hosted by JS101. 10 a.m.-noon. Registration: JS101.org/workshops.
Productivity in Job Search:
Hosted by JS101. 1:30-3:30 p.m. Registration: JS101.org/workshops.
State of the Houston Region:
Virtual event hosted by the Greater Houston Partnership. Noon-1 p.m. Speakers include a panel of county judges. Information: www.houston.org/events.
Fort Bend Future Technology Expo:
Hosted by the Fort Bend Chamber of Commerce and the University of Houston’s College of Technology. 4-7 p.m., University of Houston College of Technology, 13850 University Blvd., Sugar Land. Keynote speaker: Tammi Warfield, Customer Success and Support, Delphix. Topics include how Houston is evolving and growing as a tech epicenter and how a diverse workforce impacts development and investment in Fort Bend County. Information: www.fortbendchamber.com.
The Transportation Club of Houston:
Networking event. 6 p.m., Platypus Brewing, 1902 Washington Ave. Proceeds benefit the TCH Scholarship Fund. Cost: $65-$75. Registration: http://tcoh.wildapricot.org/event-4520442.
SharpHeels Career Summit:
Virtual program. 7 a.m.-noon. Topics: Career Planning & Pivots; Managing Obstacles & Uncertainty; Being an Impactful & Agile Leader; Executive Skills & Training. Cost: $195. Information: https://sharpheels.com/events/career-summit-virtual-3/.
LinkedIn Company Research and Job Boards:
Hosted by JS101. 10 a.m.-noon. Registration: JS101.org/workshops.
Design Thinking Strategies, How to Design a Career You Love:
Hosted by JS101. 10 a.m.-noon. Registration: JS101.org/workshops.